Links to vintage radio parts suppliers
Favorite and useful links. If you wish to be added to this list, or know of one that would be appropriate, please send an email with your request.
Quality Reproduction Radio Belts. Excellent reproduction radio tuning belts and motor drive belts for virtually every radio made that uses them. Easily ordered by make and model number.
Antique Radio Knobs. Simply the best reproduction knobs available.
Antique Electronic Supply. A great resource for reproduction Radio parts, Tubes, Guitar Amp parts and Electronic kits.
WJOE. A great selection of vintage radio parts (I buy all my capacitors here).
ABC Vacuum Tubes. Offers a wide selection of tubes and parts for vintage Radios and Ham gear.
Ask the Zenith Oracle. A great site for identifying Zenith Radio's by serial #.
Here's a great resource for NOS phono cartridges and needles. Ed also rebuilds Idler wheels and Idler cams.

The Voice Of Music "Needles, cartridges and the most needed mechanical and rubber parts for post WWII record players and tape recorders, Voice of Music Factory Service Parts"